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Andy Polaine, OffenburgGet Involved

Until we flip the question

Every year International Women's Day comes and goes. Rather than go back to business as usual, we say it should Never Not be International Women’s Day. Welcome to a mind-changing, bias-ridding, downright mutinous loop of ideas and musings from women in the creative and associated industries everywhere that will run 24/7/365 on a loop forever, or until...we don’t need to talk about it anymore.

The events of 2025 are already reinforcing that women are still a long way from equality and equity. Globally, women bear the brunt of the physical, emotional and financial impacts of economic, financial and political decisions with their livelihoods affected at almost twice the rate of men.

As International Women’s Day comes and goes, we say enough really is f*cking enough.

Enough of our stoicism. Enough of our patience. Enough of the injustice. It will be Never Not International Women’s Day until all women including women of colour, women with disabilities, and queer or trans women, stop being penalised for being women.

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Watch at 8:15:53 pmWatch Now
Until women can run in peaceManon Rossi

I went for an early morning run in Amsterdam. Sunny, warm, I gear up in my shorts. Men catcalled me, whistled at me. Why? What in my outfit was provocative? Must I cover myself to run in peace? As women, we run for performance, to feel better, get fit, not to provoke or seduce men.

Watch at 8:20:19 pmWatch Now
Until we're all called SamTea Uglow

Did you know that there are almost 500 different versions of the name Sam in different languages across the world, across both male and female genders? Tea takes us through the challenge with pronouns and how they might not be a solution – and neither may International Women's Day actually!

Watch at 8:40:32 pmWatch Now
Until there are more female names on the doorCarol Mackay, Nancy Bugeja, Amber Bonney

There is much research and many stats around the lack of female business ownership. Nancy, Amber and I are the voices behind the stats – we’ve all co-founded and run sustainable creative businesses employing many other designers. I think we have stories worth sharing.

Watch at 9:17:07 pmWatch Now
Until more women are partnering upGabby Lord & Lauren Wong

A candid conversation between two women partnering up to start a business together. Raw, honest and ready to take on all the challenges, highs and lows of the creative industry. Welcome to the world Super Keen.

Never Not Pushing For Change, Never Not Filling The Gaps, Never Not Creative.

We’re lucky enough to have the support and guidance of many creatives in the industry. Get in touch if you’d like to get involved, run an event or just say hello!

Never Not Creative is a not-for-profit initiative supported by Streamtime

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